Five minutes, five days, five months ... Sooner or later you're gonna ask.
The boss mistreats you, the husband/wife misunderstands you or you just misremember (a word according to Roger clemens).
What's the point?
Well, when it gets right down to it, there's only one good answer.
As a matter of fact, it's written on the inside jacket of Paul Alan's 2008 album, Drive It Home.
Redemption was the point.
The line comes from the album's title track. The chorus goes:
Come on and let it go
Let me drive it home
You wanted set free
But all you are is alone
Come on and let it go
Let me drive it home
Redemption was the point
When I rolled away the stone
Let me drive it home
It's a powerful thought, really. Think about it. There is no better story than that of redemption. The story of a troubled kid that eventually helps others in trouble, the fallen athlete that resurrects his career, the reformed criminal and the list goes on.
More often than not, about the time we are asking, "What's the point?" is about the time we need to follow the song's advice and let go.
When we're driving, we miss the point. When God's driving, the point is redemption.
Our redemption, the redemption of our friends, family and neighbors, the redemption of a sinful world with a holy God.
Point taken.
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