Wednesday, October 14, 2009

AM Radio

On the drive home this evening, I engaged in one of my favorite pastimes -- scanning through the AM radio dial.

This night's journey took me from Chicago to Cincinnati to Pittsburgh to New Orleans to Minneapolis and a few other unknown stops along the way.

And I started thinking about what made AM radio fun. It's something I've done since high school when I donned my Walkman headphones in bed and tuned in basketball, baseball and football games, and occasionally just news.

The attraction lies in the ability to magically be transported to another place, another slice of life through the magic of radio waves. I am able to experience not just games, but commercials and personalities that convey information about a place I've never been.

Then I thought about the Bible. I used to let it do the same for me. While some boring sermons droned on, I used to read the stories surrounding the chosen biblical text. Or at home, I read through books of the Bible that took me places I'd never been, gave me a window into life as I'd never experienced.

As time has gone on, I admit some of that wonder is lost. Some of it is my hurried, harried life and some is a more jaded, cynical outlook. But most of it is just not taking enough time to get lost in God's Word and experience something new all over again.

I think it's time to turn the dial.


  1. getting lost in something new again.

    you hit the nail on the head. it seems as we get older we lose our sense of wonder.

    perhaps when Jesus said we need a child-like faith it is because we need to recapture the connection between faith and wonder.

    when we lose the wonder, perhaps we begin to little by little lose the majesty of faith.

    it's like in Luke 5:12-26... i love the message translation here. this passage has, in the Message translation, been titled An Invitation to a Changed Life. love that!

    anyway, the story is told about a paralyzed man who had great friends... who took a great risk... Jesus is teaching in a house that is overflowing. And these guys cut a hole in the roof and lower the man down. the long and short of it is that Jesus 1st says "your sins are forgiven." Then he heals him...tells him to get up and walk. and the guy does.

    how did the people respond?
    vs. 26: "The people rubbed their eyes, incredulous—and then also gave glory to God. Awestruck, they said, "We've never seen anything like that!"'

    Awestruck. a sort of Wide Eyed Wonder (remember that song by the Choir?)

    when we realize we are in the presence of Jesus - we'll be awestruck.

    time to scan the AM dial and recapture that wonder.

  2. Some things don't change. I remember you doing that...and I think I said something like, why are listening to that static.

    Your brother
