I was listening to Larry Norman tonight. If you don't know, Norman is considered the father of Christian rock. He wasn't necessarily part of the Jesus People movement of the late 60s and early 70s, but he looked like he belong (see album cover at right).
From what I've read, Norman didn't particularly like to be labeled, and that included his music. He sound was sometimes the Beatles, sometimes Bob Dylan or sometimes the Rolling Stones. But it was definitely Jesus.
In one interview, the question was asked, What does your audience expect of you?
Norman said, "I don't know. I only do between 5 and 15 concerts a year. So I don't build up an exceptional rapport. I don't do what they tell me to. If they cracked a whip and said, 'Smile and do a back hand-spring,' I have an idea I'd just go home.
"I'm going to tell you something you probably don't want to hear. Because I'm not here to fulfill your expectations. I'm here to tell you that if you're not a Christian then you should become one. And if you are a Christian then you better stop putting expectations on people.
"Start getting rid of your own limitations, your own preconceptions and your own repressions. Stop coming to these concerts. Go out into the world and preach the Gospel. I'm not coming to entertain you, I'm coming to inspire you; to be so filled with Christ that you stop listening to Christian records because you don't have money for it because you're giving your money to people who don't have food."
Right on! Anyway, I was listening to his song, The Great American Novel off the 1972 album above, Only Visiting This Planet. And you know what's neat is when something written 37 years ago sounds like it could have been written yesterday? Listen to this:
You are far across the ocean
but the war is not your own
and while you're winning theirs
you're gonna lose the one at home
do you really think the only way
to bring about the peace
is to sacrifice your children
and kill all your enemies
the politicians all make speeches
while the news men all take note
and they exaggerate the issues
as they shove them down our throats
is it really up to them
whether this country sinks or floats
well i wonder who would lead us
if none of us would vote
and your money says in God we trust
but it's against the law to pray in school
you say we beat the russians to the moon
and i say you starved your children to do it
you say all men are equal, all men are brothers
then why are the rich more equal than others
don't ask me for the answers, I've only got one
that a man leaves his darkness when he follows the Son.
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