Well, not them actually, but their jerseys were there. And I guess you'd call it a pet peeve, but is it really necessary to wear a football jersey to church, especially if you're older than a fifth grader?
I think sometimes people don't really think about what they're doing, or they might realize what a slap in the face it is to God. You think so much of another man that you wear that man's name and number on a shirt while attending the one (for most people) religious, God-oriented event of the week.
How can you worship God with somebody else's name on your shirt?
I don't know, maybe I'm just well on my way to being a grumpy old man. But in the meantime, I did think of one condition on which people would be allowed to wear football jerseys and the like to church.
OK, get an image of Jeff Foxworthy doing "You might be a redneck ..." jokes and then follow along.
If you wear a jersey for Jesus to an NFL stadium, you might be able to wear an NFL jersey to church.
And I think such a jersey would be gold (for heaven) with a red (for Jesus' blood) infinity symbol in place of a number and the name 'I am' printed on the back. I mean, really, if Peyton Manning is so important you can wear him to church, why not wear Jesus to the Colts' game?
If you wear a shirt and tie so you can leave the game early to attend church, you might be able to wear an NFL jersey on Sunday morning.
If you put on headphones to listen to a sermon during the game, you might be able to wear an NFL jersey to church.
If you rent a big screen TV to celebrate Super Church Sunday by watching your pastor's sermon, you might be able to wear an NFL jersey to church.
If you actually play in the NFL and have your own uniform, you might be able to wear an NFL jersey to church.